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government mechanism中文是什么意思

用"government mechanism"造句"government mechanism"怎么读"government mechanism" in a sentence


  • 政府机制


  • Constructing the government mechanism of the conservation of historic cities and towns
  • Financing structure and enterprise government mechanism - through the research of contract theory
  • Only on the basis of taxpayer ’ s right of supervising using tax , can the taxpayer ’ s supervising government mechanism of using tax be established
  • The paper analyzes the development course of trade association under the background of transition period of our country . then we discover that it is different from the third party personal government mechanism spontaneous evolution theoretically
  • In germany - japan pattern , because of legal person , bank intersect holding share and the big shareholder , the inside government is perfect . but stock market is not developed , so that the outside government mechanism has limit effect
  • We should base ourselves on the realities of china , comprehensively analyse the necessity and limit of government mechanisms in social security . furthermore , the article has put forward the key to establish a new social security system with chinese characteristic is to set me government ' s role and function in the social security
  • He stresses that the resources within government control should be fully - utilized and government mechanisms , market mechanisms as well as the participation of non - governmental organizations should be simultaneously mobilized . in addition , he suggests that the beneficiary capacity building as well as the monitoring system construction should be given first priority in order to promote the participation of rural communities and poor households . regulations and laws to be enacted for the model is necessary and helpful to lessen the conflicts of the subsystems and promote their relations
  • This thesis analyzes the evolving course of the contract arrangement of state - owned enterprises and its characteristics in the transitional period . also , this thesis analyzes the market - oriented reform of state - owned enterprises in the way of the optimizing courses of the government mechanism of exterior contracts and the interior government structure
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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